
If you’re looking for a great way to advertise your company and give back to the community at the same time, then a sponsorship with Grumpy Publications might be just the thing. You can associate your brand with an award winning author as you help him to inspire the next generation. Be seen as the company that cares by having your company logo and information in a sticker on every book that goes home that day. How long do you think an average hard back children’s book will stay in a house? Ten years? Fifteen years? More?
Why should I do a Sponsorship?
Many of our year after year sponsors have developed trusted relationships with our schools through this sponsorship program that has directly led to commercial projects with the school and other businesses in their networks.

What does a sponsorship look like?
- Your Sponsorship is for author Thal Dixon to perform about a 45 minute assembly with at least one entire grade at an elementary school. Over the past decade, Thal Dixon has performed over 150 of these programs.
- During this assembly, Thal will share a few stories and their meanings, discuss the process of creating, publishing, and printing a book, the roles of different people in that process, encourage the kids to read, and thank you as a sponsor for providing a “Special Surprise” for the students. Then he will introduce you and have you help pass out books to the students if you attend. The program ends with a picture of you with all of the kids and their books.
Assembly for 1 grade at one elementary school.
(Includes: Books for every student with advertising sticker of sponsor on each book.)
Two Grades at one school.
(one reading)
Two Grades at two schools.
(two readings)
Most Popular
4 School Grade assembly visits with books for students
4 Complete sets of book collections for each school
Logo on Website
(Most school grades for First grade average between 100 to 135 students. For smaller schools, sometimes grades are combined.) All books will be stickered and signed prior to the visit. The cost of the stickers with your Logo and information are a pass through if produced by Grumpy Publications or can be provided by the sponsor.
10 School Grade assembly visits with books for students
10 Complete sets of book collections for each school
Logo on Website

Customized Children’s book for Business
Thal Dixon and Grumpy Publications will create a customized children’s book to help with the marketing and advertising of your business. Give your clients something to remember you by and create brand awareness and loyalty in the process.
The service includes the following:
Phase 1
Pricing will be discussed based on length, complexity and initial outline before work begins
- Concept and Character creation. - Thal will meet with you to discuss a concept, gather information and input and put together a road map or general idea moving forward.
- Writing of the story
- Visual Character creation and general illustration look with selection of illustrator choice
- Page layout - picture and spread ideas will be laid out to work with the text. (Books will be designed in 8x10 format for hardback books.
- Cover and Title page Layout and design
- Spine design
- ISBN, Shared Copyright with Grumpy Publications, Company information for inside the book.
- Full color illustration work
- Editing and Final prep work to create printer ready pdf copy.
- Audio recording of Author reading book
- Creation of video of Author reading book with illustration visuals.

Phase 2
- Grumpy Publications will get printing quotes based on cost of printing overseas at time of production and deliver quotes based on three different quantities.
- Storage of Books will be at Grumpy Publications warehouse at no additional cost
- Reprints will be handled the same way as the original printing.
- Both client and Grumpy Publications will be allowed to set up any deals to retail books and print additional copies of the title as desired.
- All copies of the book will be the property of the party that pays for printing of titles.